Publisher: LeftWord
A classic of Marxist historical analysis. The first full-fledged attempt by a Marxist to evaluate Gandhi's role in India's freedom struggle. E.M.S. Namboodiripad, who began his political life as an ardent Gandhian, was uniquely positioned to analyse the various phases of the national movement and th..
₹238 ₹250
Publisher: LeftWord
The Making of the Madras Working Class The Madras Labour Union, founded in April 1918, is the first organized labour union in India. May Day was first celebrated in India in Napiers Park, Madras, in 1923. These are well-attested facts in the histories of the labour movement in India. There was,howev..
₹713 ₹750
Publisher: LeftWord
Tributes to a polymath. Damodar Dharmananda Kosambi (July 31, 1907 June 29, 1966) was a man with a Renaissance type of versatility: he had a wide range of knowledge without sacrificing depth. He was a mathematician, statistician, and polymath who contributed to genetics by introducing Kosambis ma..
₹261 ₹275
Publisher: LeftWord
The balance sheet of the Left in the turbulent Latin American continent. The New Mole is a major new analysis of recent developments in Latin American politics by one of the continents leading political thinkers. Emir Sader explains the resurgence of radicalism in terms of the regions history and ..
₹238 ₹250
Publisher: LeftWord
A truly global history that examines the prospects of a worldwide power shift from North to South. In The Darker Nations, Vijay Prashad provided an intellectual history of the Third World and traced the rise and fall of the Non-Aligned Movement. With The Poorer Nations, Prashad takes up the story wh..
₹570 ₹600
Publisher: LeftWord
Though capable of staging spectacular attacks like 9/11, jihadist organizations were not a significant force on the ground when they first became notorious in the shape of al-Qa'ida at the turn of century. Today, that's changed. Exploiting the missteps of the West's wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Lib..
₹238 ₹250
Publisher: LeftWord
The revolutionary legacy of Alexandra Kollontai (1872-1952) has slipped into relative obscurity. This is somewhat surprising, because she was a voluminous writer – on politics, Marxist theory, country-specific economic studies, and the women's question. She left letters, diaries, memoirs and pamphle..
₹261 ₹275
Publisher: LeftWord
A publishing sensation, this book has sold over 200,000 copies in 8 languages. Hindutva icon or secular nationalist? Feudal potentate or peasants' king? Protector of cows and brahmans or shudra ruler? Medieval marauder or builder of an empire? Who was Shivaji? This punchy, readable book provides a n..
₹143 ₹150
Publisher: LeftWord
A book that connects the dots between climate change, capitalism, occupation, and imperialism. “With the earth and its inhabitants under more pressure than ever before, and with bona fide climate change deniers in the most powerful positions on the planet, reading this book is essential. It informs ..
₹166 ₹175